Bolivarian Alliance Condemns Attempted Coup in Honduras

Nine-Country Bolivarian Alliance Condemns Coup Attempt in Honduras

Declaration of the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America [formerly known as ALBA] condemning the coup d’état now under way against the president of the Republic of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya.The member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, represented here at the United Nations, are deeply concerned with regard to present events in the Republic of Honduras. They declare the following:

• We emphasize that the coup d’état now under way aims to block the achievement of a democratic vote by the people called to establish whether the people wish to convene a Constituent Assembly.

• We condemn this coup-like action against the genuine aspirations of Honduran citizens who insist on being taken into account through democratic forms of expression and consultation.• We call on the international community to reject this effort to break with the democratic, constitutional order, and to reject any violent and destabilizing moves against the Honduran people and government. We proclaim our unconditional solidarity with compañero Presidente José Manuel Zelaya and the sister people of Honduras.

• We reiterate our firm support of the declaration in support of the people’s referendum in Honduras, adopted by the ALBA summit meeting that took place yesterday, June 24, in the city of Maracay, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
New York, June 25, 2009

Antigua and Barbuda
Plurinational State of Bolivia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

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